Hey Gorgeous!

I am so happy that you are here! I know you are a woman who has a big mission and even bigger desires in your life!
You are a high acheiving woman who is also spiritual.

You have been longing for a space where you can deepen into your Feminine Power and Leadership in a whole new way!
You already consider yourself a priestess, a mystic, a healer, a spiritual teacher, and truth be told you have more certifications than you need.

You have already spent time trying to unwind and shed what is other people’s way of being vs what is YOUR unique magic and truth.

So while you yearn for a space, a community where you can deepend into your Feminine and bring forth your magic more potently, you do not want another certification.

I get it! This is why I created

The Embodied Feminine Leadership Academy.

Think modern mystery school meets mastermind.

This is a sacred space that is stepped in Feminine magic and Ancient Feminine Wisdom.

Me, you and 11 other women will create a magnetic coven to bring forth your magic, your body of work, your leadership in a whole new way for the new paradigm that we are living in!

When women are well nourished, fulfilled and well resourced we do AMAZING things in this world. Not to mention when the Feminine leads, it takes us and those around us higher! This is exactly why we are moving into the era where the Feminine is MEANT TO LEAD.

Truth be told the masculine was never meant to lead. The patriarchy ha sbeen lying to us.

The natural order of things is:

The Feminine Desire and Vision leads

The Masculine executes.

When we step into this way of being we shift from over working, over functioning, burning out, people pleasing and just feeling disconnected from ourselves to

Turned On, alive, magnetic, radiant, the industry leader that is highly sought after, massive impact with an even more massive bank account.

The patirachy cut us off from the Sacred Feminine and our own Feminine Power……and now it is time to reconnect, reclaim, and EMBODY it!

This container is unlike anything out there.

Over the course of 6 months we will dive deep into the Feminine through content, rituals, identity work and sisterhood.

What’s Included:

Private telegram group for support and accountability starting September 20th.

Pre-work modules to provide tools and practices that will be used throughout the container

Monthly Calls from September 22nd - January 20th for laser coaching, Q&A and deepening into the content

Bi weekly Modules pre-recorded modules to create mastery in your Feminine Leadership

Bi weekly rituals to help you embody your Feminine Leadership

This is a course and Mastermind experience.

$1997 BONUS a year membership to The Red Temple (bonus until Sept 20th)


4 monthly payments of $585

by making a purchase from this page you are agreeing to all of the terms including: no refunds, and the contract is legally binding, there is no ending payment plans early.