Hey Gorgeous!

I see you as you stand here at a threshold. You can feel more ready to come through you……you can feel yourself teetering between the past version of you and who you are meant to become.

You have done so much work on yourself already and what you are quickly learning is that the path of the Feminine is a continually path of death and rebirth, of initiations, and of you shedding all that is not you to become all that you are meant to become.

Standing at a threshold can take on a variety of forms……

You are ready to birth you new body of work.

You are contemplating a divorce, break up, or know your relationship needs to shift on a fundamental level

You are ready to burst through what feels like an income gap

You are ready to leave your job and pursue your passion

You know the feeling that I am talking about, you have gone through the void or are at the tail end of it, and you are READY for this next initiation but you have really struggled to take yourself through it.

Because the path of the Feminine is NOT a path of isolation, this is not the hero’s journey where you go and slay the dragon on your own.

The path of the Feminine is one of community and initiation.

As we wind down 2024 and enter into 2025 I wanted to give you the sacred space for you to be held and led through the initiation you are being called into right now.

I have opened up the Threshold Intensive Luxury Experience.

This intensive experience is like your own personal retreat. For 3 days you will be expertly guided through rituals, initiations and strategy work to help you cross over into your nect level.

This is an example of what the 3 days would be like:

Arrival on Day 1: Your hotel stay for 2 nights is included, as you arrive to your room there is a gorgeous gift curated to you and the experience waiting for you. You change into something that you feel sexy and fabulous in, and you and I meet for a delicious and sensual dinner!

Throughout our meal we discuss what you desire to get from our time together, we map things out for the next few days, and we flirt the meal away.

You begn to drop in to yur body and your power almost instatnly.

Day 2: We meet in the morning around 10am - giving you time to sleep in, grab a breakfast and slowly drop in to the day.

We begin to radically change your mindset, energy and embodiment to align you with the version of you that you are stepping into!

We take the day moving through mentoring, rituals, subconscious reprogramming and more!

We break for lunch where you let yourself be nourished with another delicious meal as you learn how your Feminine body needs to be supported in every way.

We continue on in the afternoon locking all of these shifts and up levels into place. You and I part for the eveing while you integrate, stroll around the city or just rest!

Day 3: We meet up for a late breakfast and you look like a completely new woman, you are more radiant, confident, and alive - things have already started shifted over the past 36 hours. We begin to tie up any loose ends mentally and emotionally for you as we end our meal we make our way over to the SPA! Because there is no transformation without an integration and digestion!

I lead you through a self anointing ritual because at the end of the day learning how to anoint yourself, how to crownn yourself, how to choose yourself is the most powerful thing a woman can do!

We hug and part ways and you are forever changed. The experience was like a year of coaching in a weekend and you feel so deeply nourished and refreshed.

And the bet part is you still have 30 days of follow up support to keep you locked in, and supported!


$10,000 or $1,000 deposit and customized payment plan. **

Sign up before December 20th and receive 30 ADDITIONAL days of support ($2500 value!)

These intensives are taking place all over the world!

January - March 2025





March - June 2025




June - August 2025


Sept - Dec 2025




  • I am open to being flexible with many of the cities and date - if you have a certain place or time you want to book just reach out!

What’s Included:

  • 3 days of luxury in person Intensive

  • 2 nights in a hotel in the city of choice

  • 1 meal a day

  • Spa/self anointing ritual experience

  • 30 days of follow up support.

What is NOT included:

  • Airfare

  • Transportation

  • Meals outside of the intensive

  • any additional hotel stays outside of the 2 nights.

Cost: $10,000

There are 4 Intensives on sale for $5555.

**These intensives are 2 days and include 1 night in a hotel.

February 21-25 in NYC

March 12-16 Miami

April 18-20 Dublin, Ireland

May 3-5 Athens Greece

You and I both know that you hold incredible space for the women in your world, and now it is time for you to be held. And honesty, held in a way that you have never been held before. It is time for your Ancient Feminine wisdom to come forward and lead the way…..fully.

We have been taught to fear the deep and wise Ancient Feminine that lives within us, but it is ONLY when we allow it to lead that we can receive all that we are meant for!

** All payment plans must be completed 3 days prior to the experience. If you do not complete your payment plan you forfeit your intensive and you are still responsible for completing the payment.

by making a purchase from this page please note that there are no refunds.