Hey Gorgeous!

You are a potent and powerful force.

You are here for a big mission and even bigger desires.

But your tendendcy to try and be liked is undermining your authrotiy and leadership.

Your fear of being judged is keeping you locked in people pleasing

And your habit of over working and burning out is blocking you from the pleasure and freedom that you crave.

You have an untamed power within you that you have yet to access.

You have a wild woman waiting to be relished.

A part of you that does not play by the rules because She knows that they were created to keep her caged.

The part of you that refuses to be caged.

Yet, you can’t quite access her……

You keep saying that you want to be in your Feminine, because let’s be honest when you first heard about Feminine energy t felt like a breath of fresh air. You had been working so hard for so long, you were exhausted. And the idea of “softness, space, and receptivity” felt like a salve for your wounded soul.

Unfortuantely you only got half of the story.

The truth is you were not operating in your “masculine” by over working so much…..

That is a trauma response. It is a trauma response from being a woman inside of the patriarchy.

The Feminine IS soft…..

But she is also FIRERY, she is BILD, she is WILD, she is UNTAMED.

And so much of what is out there about the Feminine is like diet feminine……it excludes the parts of us that truly give us our power.

The parts of us that we have been taught to fear the MOST.

The Dark Feminine.

The energy of Medusa, Hekate, Lilith, Kali, The Morrigan, Isis……etc.

Even APHRODITE - yes she was a war Goddess!

The truth is it is our Dark Feminine that creates boundaries, brings in the sword of truth, is the source of your creativity, brings forth your desires and keeps you safe.

But because we have been told that she is unnecessary, dangerous, and to be disregarded you walk around talking about the Feminine without actually EMBODYING HER.

Which leaves you showing up in a half truth.

It keeps you from the impact, income and pleasure that you desires.

It keeps you living from the neck up never feeling like enough.

On June 28 at 12pm EST I am hosting (and yes there will be a recording)


You can expect to emerge:

Feeling more grounded in your power and full self expression so that you can have the impact you know you are meant to have.

Feeling safe in your body, turn on and sexuality so that you can be the sexiest, and ost alive version of yourself.

Knowing how to create and enforce better boundaries in your life.

Reclaiming your deepest desires so that you can become irresistible to them and manifest them quickly.

And more.

We will be using a mix of somatic practices and Sacred Feminine ritual and archetype for you to uncage yourself from the good girl conditioning.

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