Hey Gorgeous!

I am so happy that you are here! I know that you are a potent force in this world, and you have a big mission on your heart.

You know that you are here to make a big impact, to be a leader in your field and to live an epic life!

You have worked hard to get where you are, you have surpassed many milestones along the way, and yet it never truly feels like “enough”.

You worry that you aren’t “doing enough”, you struggle to rest, and pleasure has yet to make it on your priority list.

You have no problem doing the work…..you have taken the courses, joined the masterminds, journaled your heart out and yet this next level…..this next evolution of who you are and of your work is going to require something different….

It is going to require you to BE the woman you know yourself to be.

You know this, but you find yourself spinning in self sabotage, stories and fears taht are keeping you in the just fine space.

Life is fine

Relationships are fine

Your sex life is fine

But you didn’t come here for fine….

You came here for extraordinary!

You still have those fears and stories around owning the fullness of your power, of being judged, shamed or even rejected for who you are.

It often feels like this inner conflict of knowing who you are and what you want….and the fear and stories keeps you stuck in this middle ground that is….


But you are ready….

Ready to break through this

To quantum leap

To uplevel from PLEASURE.

To use pleasure AS the way you quantum leap.

To create from spaciousness, from turn on, from being grounded in who you are and what you are here to do.

You know that you are a Goddess…..and now it is time to EMBODY it.


The Goddess of love, pleasure, sex and beauty

It is time to use the Sacred Feminine and Pleasure to bring forth your magic in this world.

Let’s deep dive for 4 months together!


4 Months of Private Mentoship

2 calls/month

2 days IN PERSON experience.

Unlimited Voxer

BONUS: 1 year inside of The Red Temple Global Community.

There are 2 spots available for 2024.

Message me on Instagram, Facebook or Email me for more information.



Payment plan available upon request.