Black Friday 2020.jpg

 Hey Gorgeous!

Here is all of the juicy content!!

Bur First! I would LOVE to have you inside The Magnetic Woman Membership! You can check out all of the details here. Because you joined the bundle I want to give you an extra discount on The Membership! Doors close December 1st.

Normally it is a monthly membership fee of $77 or you can join annually for $777. But from now until the doors close you can join for a monthly fee of $49 or an annual fee of $497. If you join now you will lock in this founder pricing.

Live Training -

Unlocking Your Feminine Magnetism and Receive With Ease 2020 Version.

This training will take place on December 11 and you will have lifetime access to it!

You will receive the a link for the live call and the replay will be posted here after!

Pleasure Advent Calendar

Day 2:

1. Begin to make an Outrageous Desire List - add to it regularly. Really let yourself dream. Start with:
If I had all of the money I could ever need and want, and more came in every month (aka money is not something to worry about!)
What would I desire?
What would I really desire?
If there were NO rules, and no consequences - what would I desire?

2. Go panty free! Let that Pussy out! Or wear your sexiest pair of underwear - not for anyone but YOU! This is not to get you into a space of wanting to have sex with your partner - this is just for YOU. If you feel turned on enough for sex - great! But no pressure.

Day 3:

I want you to find sexy music, light a candle, go into your bedroom or bathroom and strip down. With the music playing, the senses engaged I want you to look in the mirror and spend at LEAST a song's worth of time SHOWERING YOURSELF IN COMPLIMENTS.
This may be really hard, especially if like most women you tend to only focus on the things that are wrong with your body.

To really really push your edges -
You can then take a hand mirror and look at Pussy - and spend a few minutes just adoring her and showering her in compliments.
This practice is so profound, so potent, and if you have a lot of resistance to it - that is ok!

Then I want you to journal or take note of how you felt, what that practice did for you, and even if you had any resistance. ​​

Day 4:

Walk around your house as if diamonds are falling out of your Pussy. If every step you take is meant to turn you and the world on even more.

Play some music for your cat walk if you would like!

Notice how your energy shifts if you think that you are leaving diamonds behind each step

Day 5:

The Breast massage - ohhhhhh Goddess this is one of my all time favorite practices! It is so luscious, so delicious, so enlivening! 

I would recommend listening through once before you do it, then do it. 

Day 6:

Outrageous self care. 
What is 1 OUTRAGEOUS self care act today?! What can you do to step up your self care game?!
Normally take a bath on Sundays....maybe add some rose petals, or milk.
Typically have a home cooked meal? Why not break out the fine china! 
What is the most outrageous way you can think to take care of yourself today?!

Day 7:

write yourself a Love Letter or Poem.
But this isn't your average love letter - I want you to go pretend that you are your hottest lover who is wildly obsessed with your body, your essence, every part of you. Write it from that space and energy.
Then I want you to read it aloud to yourself - slowly - letting all of the love you have for yourself envelope you and permeate every cell.

Day 8:

Today's practice I want you tot think about why you DON"T want to be sexy, or have the love that you desire.

You can use this shadow journaling practice.

I do NOT want to fully embody my sexiness because I am deeply afraid that.....

This practice is so powerful - when we aren't getting things that we desire chances are it is because a part of our unconscious mind is trying to protect us from something that we think may be a threat.

Feel free to share in the group what comes up for you.

Day 9
Make the sexiest play list for pleasure breaks during the day. Dancing increases the fell good hormones and chemicals, and decreases stress and cortisol! This means just a few minutes throughout the day can instantly shift your energy and help you embody so much pleasure. 

Having a play list at the ready is so helpful! ​​​

Day 10:
Make an ask - I want to you to make what may feel like an outrageous ask from someone in your life.  You can ask your man for something, ask your mother, ask a friend.  It could be anything! This will help increase your ability to receive in life and in love. 
And if this is too big of a step for you - 
Write out a list of outrageous asks...... "If I knew that I could ask for ANYTHING and it would be given to me, I would ask for......" 
Journal on this today or multiple times  See what comets up! ​​​​

Day 11:

Today I want you to allow yourself to become The Goddess of Pleasure with this meditation!
Listen here. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Day 12:

Owning your unique Beauty Meditation - listen here.

Day 13:
The Havingness Expander.....

Often it becomes hard for us to receive more and more and more without truly digesting it and allowing ourselves to pass on the good stuff.
So I want you to go hard on the gratitude today! Mentally, out loud, finding gratitude for everything and anything.
Do a random act of kindness - being able to pass on pleasure is so helpful in receiving more.
Compliment someone else, invite another woman into the community.
And brag, brag , brag like your life depends on it

Day 14: :
Self Pleasure Practice - this is NOT about being goal oriented or over focused on orgasm or climax. That is masturbation and I much prefer the idea of self pleasuring...

aka bringing your body pleasure without a goal in mind.

Set the space, light candles, lock the door, and set a timer - maybe 15 minutes. And just focus on bringing pleasure to your body! You can use your hands, you can stroke your clitoris, or your vulva.

Just see how much pleasure you can experience!

Day 15:

Buy yourself a GIFT! Make it outrageous - it doesn't have to be expensive it could be a luxurious pair of panties or a candle.
But do it from an energy of...

I am SO fucking worth it. I deserve all of my desires and more, and I am taking a stand and saying yes to myself in this way.

Pleasure Advent Calendar Day 16: 

This is how to heal a connection to the Divine Feminine through Unconditional Love. 

This is such a powerful practice! 

Listen here. 

Day 17:
If I was a ........ Woman/girl

I want you to pick an alter ego - like...

Fully Empowered
A Bitch

You name it,

The exercise goes like this..

Free write for 5-10 minutes

If I was a bad girl (or whatever word or archetype you pick) I would....

And then just write see what comes up there is always gold in the parts of ourself that we surprise.

Day 18

Tell me how are you liking it?! Have you been staying up to date on the practices?!

Today I want you to shift your focus to being a JOYFUL receiver!

Receiving is SO hard for women - we shut down our natural channel and state of receiving.

One quick way to open the flood gates up is to begin to look at everything in your life and feel deep and profound gratitude and say - Thank You I Receive This and MORE!

Really FEEL the feelings.

Notice where you resist receiving is it compliments, love, support? And maybe even do an ASK from someone to give something to you so that you can practice.

Here is Day 19:

Pick a bold statement - with make up with clothes, with something that you wouldn't normally do.

Never wear red lipstick?! Go buy one and wear it during the day. Have lingerie you never wear? Put i on on Monday - and wear it just for yourself?
Want to wear something scandalous? Wear it around your house!

Day 20:
The Queen of Indulgence.

Today allow yourself to INDULGE in something, anything - an extra long bath, an extra cholcoatey dessert.
Allow yourself to truly indulge!

Day 21:

This self pleasuring practice is SO powerful!!

Listen here.

Day 22:
Unlocking Your Feminine Power Energy Practice - this is a quickie energy practice to help you shift into your Feminine Power!
Listen here.

Day 23:

Journaling Prompt:
What element of the Feminine are you most resistant to or afraid of​​? We often think that the Feminine is just love, and light - but the Feminine is also fire, power, rage.....
And we push things aside, or refuse to accept those parts of ourselves.
So what element of the Feminine are you resisting, and how can you play with that energy or emotion today?
What would it look like if that emotion or energy was fully expressed?

Day 24:
With the holiday here - I wanted to help you release any subconscious beliefs around your ability to receive, and what you deserve.
This NLP based practice is so powerful!

Release the decision that I do not deserve my needs or desires being met. ​​​​

Day 25:

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Your mission today is to RECEIVE JOYFULLY!!!! In every moment find gratitude for what you are receiving!

Most Desirable Woman Training

Uncork Your Natural Sexiness 5 day training

Video 1:

Day 3:

Day 4

Day 5:

Awakened Feminine Leader

Men, Money and Power 2 part training ($497 value) -

Shamelessly Sexy ($997 Value)

Module 1:

Module 2

Module 3:

Module 4:

New Year, Magnetic You workshop date will be announced in 2021.

Want to join the Membership before December 1st?

You can upgrade to the annual membership for just $497 (normally $77), or try your first month for $49 (all months after will be $77/month