April 15-19 Live Experience

Hey Gorgeous!

The Feminine isn’t rising….

She Has Risen!


You are a woman on the new edge of leadership.

You have been for awhile, but you have been going at it alone, and thinking that your self sabotaging patterns are some flaw, when in reality they are universal wounds of the Feminine that you are here to not only heal but to transcend.


There is so much information out there around and the idea of “the feminine” that it can make your head spin.  The majority of it is esoteric, and untrue – or rather not the full picture.


This live event is THE place for you to come and step into your Embodied Feminine Leadership.


All of the rules that we were told would make us feel successful didn’t actually make us feel good.

All of the things we were told a leader was, are not what truly makes a good leader.


We were told to work hard, to do more, to model our leadership after some old white guy who got to where he is through the good ol boys club.

We then had the era of “leaning in” where we were told to be better at being a man then the men around us.


We were told to ignore our intuition, to deny our empathy, to disconnect from our bodies.  All for the sake of being taken “seriously” or being “professional”

What this actually does is cuts us from our most potent power – our FEMININE.


The Feminine is not just soft, sweet, loving….

She is equal parts FIERCE, FIREY and BOUNDARIED


The Embodied Feminine Leader is the one who knows that it is our FEMININE that leads, and our masculine executes. 

Our Feminine is…..

Our desires

Our intuition

Our spiritual gifts

Our turn on

Our righteous rage

Our deep truth

That leads us to the life beyond our wildest dreams.


This event is for the woman who does not want a practical or predictable life.  But will settle for nothing short of extraordinary.


For the woman who has a global mission, that includes being well paid for your gifts AND having so much freedom and space in your life to actually ENJOY the life that you have created.


I would love to invite you to


3 days of rewriting the story of what it means to be a leader.


April 15-19 at we will dive into what does life look like when you are an Embodied Feminine Leader:

We will have 5 days in a telegram group.

April 15h - we kick off, inside of the group there are journal prompts, practice and more.

April 16th - 12pm EST Live training:

  • The 7 wounds of the Feminine that are keeping you in cycles of self sabotaging and stifling your genius and impact.

  • How to lead in a way that you have never seen modeled before.

  • How to see your Feminine as worthy of being compensated so that you can allow Her to lead you.

  • Awaken your turn on so whatever you create from this space you actually ENJOY

  • How to prioritize your Feminine and allow your masculine to execute to create more freedom in your life.

  • How to stop self sabotaging,diluting your message and shrinking parts of yourself.

  •  And more

April 17th - integrate what you’ve learned with more practices and journal prompts

April 18th - 12 pm EST LIVE Sacred Feminine Ritual to anchor in the New Identity

April 19th - integrate, get last questions answered, move forward as the Embodied Feminine Leader that you are.