The Magnetic Woman® Inner Circle
Hey Gorgeous!
I am so honored that you’re here.
I know if you are reading this then you are a leader.
You always have been. It doesn’t matter what you lead; a business, a company, your family, a relationship the truth of the matter is that you are a woman and therefore you are a leader.
Contrary to popular belief it is the Feminine that actually LEADS, and it does so in ALL areas of our lives; or at least it is meant to.
You, on some level, know that to be true - which is why you are here.
You have felt the nudge for a while now. Or maybe you have felt the pain….the pain of denying your Feminine Power.
It makes sense, this world has been built upon
The Patriarchy the system and societal construct that not only does not see a woman in her power and brilliance but does everything to KEEP you from your power, to deny you your brilliance, and to cut you off from your wisdom.
So much of this conditioning is silent, it is invisible which leads you to think that you are alone, that it is about YOU. When you can’t speak up for yourself, when you don’t charge your worth, when you aren’t respected.
One of the best lies of the Patriarchy is that it is your fault. It isn’t that you don’t have enough confidence, you don’t have healthy boundaries, you don’t ask for help it is that you haven’t been shown or even allowed to be your full self without fear of it not being ok – mainly the primal fear of not being safe.
For a woman like you, a leader, a woman who has felt the pull to explore the Feminine in this way, you have done a LOT already.
You have created a business or a career that has given you success. You have hustled and DONE a lot to get there. You have played by a lot of the rules of this world.
But you want more….
You want deeper……
You want to LIVE and LOVE from your truth, to UNLEASH your Power, and to break your inner glass ceiling.
You know what I am talking about. That inner cage of good girl or just enough. The one where you simultaneous fear that you are too much and terrified that you are not enough all at once.
You want to break free of this, you want to be sensually alive, having epic love, living your truth and your purpose in a way that inspires, ignites, and fulfills you.
And you know that your next edge, your next portal, your next step all comes down to Pussy, your sensuality and your sexual power.
This is why you have read a book here or there on the Feminine or Pussy.
You may have even taken a course on having a better orgasm, or “feminine lifestyle”.
You talk about this stuff casually or in your work.
But you have yet to venture into DOING the work, into EMBODYING your Feminine Power fully - because, well, you are terrified.
And rightly so.
Feminine Power is the most potent energy on the planet. Why do you think The Patriarchy has run a multi millennia smear campaign against it.
I mean come on - the entire Creation Story was set up to put us at a disadvantage in life, in love and in our connection to ourselves. And let’s not forget the couple hundred years of burning “witches”. This shit is IN our DNA.
What you deeply want, what you deeply crave is to feel SEEN and SAFE in your Feminine. You have NEVER had that experience. You didn’t get it growing up because you parents did not have the training on how to truly see the power and brilliance of a little girl - because the world has denied both men and women of that joy.
And therefore you took it in, you made it about you – you learned to shrink down, to deny your power, to cut yourself off from your body. You made what you DID and how you GAVE to people the reason why you were deserving of love or enough.
So you look for this feeling, this connection to your power through anything and everyone else. Because the access to the power within, connection to your Pussy has not truly happened yet.
The Key to your personal power as a woman is your connection to your Sexual Power. And you haven’t been allowed to own that power yet….
So you….
Over give in relationships and at work.
Cut yourself off from your body and pleasure - I mean when was the last time you truly had a fulfilling orgasm? Or are you in the sexless relationship club?
You try to be super woman or super mom - holding yourself to impossible standards which constantly make you feel like a failure and then you wallow in self shame and blame.
You take on most if not all of the emotional burden in relationships. You try to fix, heal, or over function because well that is the only way you know how to love.
You lose yourself in love, or have in the past and so you actively avoid relationships for fear of it happening again.
You shrink down, deny your desires, and try to people please – which leaves you feeling like a shell of who you truly know yourself to be.
You are more afraid of your power than you are of failure.
You aren’t fully living your truth in work. You want more, you have more to give, more that you want to say.
You aren’t making as much money as you know you can, or as you desire. But you want to make money, and create from your truth, from being your full self, from being in total alignment.
This is why I want to invite you into
The Inner Circle.
Embodied Feminine Leadership for the Modern Woman
The Inner Circle is an elite group of female leaders who are looking to RECLAIM their Feminine Power in all areas, and bring that Feminine Leadership into their work. The leading from your BEING.
This is not a certification program, because the reality is you don’t want to be a sexuality coach or teacher, you already have your own thing going right now.
But you do see that your audience, the women in your life WANT more from you around Feminine Power, Pussy, Sexuality, and living life Turned On (aka smashing the outdated Patriarchal bull shit).
And truth be told YOU want more in your life, and you want it by way of passion, pleasure and Turn On.
So this inner circle is set up to give you the personal AND professional development of accessing, owning and embodying your Feminine Power.
It mixes content modules, private coaching, small group sisterhood with high level relationship coaching, tantric based practices, NLP inspired subconscious reprogramming tools, and Feminine Embodiment Practices, to uproot the conditioning, fears and stories that are blocking you from Unleashing Your Feminine Power.
6 months of a sacred container to practice taking up space, being seen, and playing with your edges around sensuality and pleasure.
8 Content modules – to give you tools, teachings and practical applications on Embodying Your Feminine Power. Modules Include:
Finding the Sexy in Your Shadow - learn how to feel all of your emotions, and bring turn on into the darker, heavier emotions to alchemize and empower yourself. Your power in your expression comes from expressing ALL of who you are, and bringing pleasure in to it.
The Heroine of Your Story - how to take any and every element of your past, present and future and turn it into a source of your power.
Unleashing Your Seductress to awaken your sensuality and bring more passion in.
Finding Your Fullest Expression as a Leader - When you access your Feminine, you peel back the layers of conditioning to your truest essence. This allows you to own your voice, and own your ability to lead.
Healing Your sisterhood wound to access more of your leadership, and take up more space in the world.
Conscious Passionate Partnership – because love is great but we want mind blowing orgasms too
BI-weekly group coaching calls (always recorded for replay access)
1 2- Day In Person Initiation Retreat.
18 private coaching calls.
Unlimited Voice and Text private support.
2 hour private intensive.
Private Online group to stay in touch, accountable and receive support from me and the other women throughout the 6 months.
Initiation Content released in December to help you prepare and begin the journey.
Access to The Magnetic Woman Membership for a year ($997 value)
Access to Seductress in 2021 ($5000 value).
Access to Sexy Jade Egg Bootcamp ($1000 value)
Investment: $20,000 in full
6 monthly payments of $4,000
The Inner Circle is rolling admission, and there is a max of 8 spots available at any time.
When you enroll you have private coaching AND the group for 6 months you can stay just for the 6months or continue as long as you desire.
What you can expect:
Personal Development in the realm of sensuality, sexuality and Pussy work. In order to be able to hold your community, to step into your next level you have to go within and do this work yourself first. This will allow you to hold better space for clients, community and people in your life. To show up from who you are BEING and not by what you are doing.
High level love and relationship transformation. You want it all, and you get to have it all! I will show you how to BE in your Feminine Power in love, even if you are the breadwinner.
I give you the tools and guidance to create a PASSIONATE conscious partnership that is deeply supportive and only gets better and better. Because having a partner is great but let’s get real you also want to have mind blowing, earth shattering orgasms.
And the new wave of the Feminism includes not just power with money and career but also an equal partnership.
Professional Leadership Training by breaking Patriarchal conditioning around your Feminine Power so that you can show up for your community, family, relationships and self as your FULLEST expression.
Learn the practical tools and embodiment practices that will help you live from YOUR TRUTH, and lead from that space as well.
And let’s not forget the foundational piece of sisterhood. The connection that is created in this program is unlike any other. You can ONLY heal your Feminine by being in community.
Become a master at Receiving in life, love, financially and with support. Our natural set point is to Receive with Ease, and when you step more fully into your Feminine Power you open up the gates to receive.
I get it, the fear and the “logic” is coming up and telling you that you don’t have time or that you should invest in something else like some lame ass DAP (dry ass Pussy) business program that is going to teach you work out and ineffective bs.
We have been taught to fear our Unleashed Power, we have been conditioned and traumatized to believe that our power is actually deadly.
There is no “logic” to this. There was no logic for me at 25 years old having just lost my father and in the most profound pain of my life to turn to Pussy work, to take up sensuality and the Feminine as my new way of being.
This work shifted how I saw myself. It allowed me to see how I was capable of creating SO much in my life. It gave me my power back with men and in relationships. I allowed myself to own my beauty, to FEEL and BE sexy without fear of being shamed or judged. It connected me to other women in a way I never thought possible. It gave me permission to be FULLY me!
It was the most PROFOUND experience.
So much so I have spent the better part of a decade LIVING this out, learning from all of the masters, embodying this day in and day out. Applying it to every area of my life and inspiring thousands of women across the globe to do the same.
But I get it – you want to be practical, your rational mind wants to weight in, so…..
For your practical mind- yes this has the opportunity to make you more money because you will be living and working more from a place of alignment. Things will flow, you will manifest.
Yes, this will help you professionally because it gives you the tools to stay connected to your Feminine Power.
Yes, this will help you create the relationship that you desire. And quite honestly a relationship even better than your wildest dreams. You and I both know how much that is worth if you are not distracted by what you aren’t getting or what isn’t working in your love life. PLUS you will finally have the support that you have been desiring.
No – this is NOT just another thing to add to your to-do list. In fact this is the antidote to your to do list, your responsibility and obligations the tools and practices in this program will give you FUEL to be more productive and to feel better doing so.
You have the desire, it is there – and your mind is trying to find all of the “logical” reasons NOT to do this. Because our deepest fear, the deepest wound of the Feminine is the I can NOT be my full self and still be ok.
You owe it to yourself and you owe it to the people in your life.
You are meant to be the light to light the way.
It is time to turn yourself ON so that you can BE that light.
The Feminine isn’t just rising it has already mother fucking RISEN and it is calling you to step up and LEAD. To be the model for other women to see what it looks like to fully embody your Feminine Power, to be sensually and sexually alive while killing it professionally.
Join us for the magical journey.
6 monthly payments $4000
Who this is for:
The Coach, healer, or entrepreneur who wants to talk more about sensuality, sexuality and Pussy and wants to do her own work first to better support her community.
The Leader who wants an epic partnership full of passion and wants to learn the tools and ways of BEING to show up as your full self.
The woman who wants it ALL and will not settle.
The woman who is ready to show up, to drop the idea of being the “perfect student” and who is going to show the f* up for herself.
Investment: $20,000
6 monthly payments of $4,000