

Every single woman has the ability to be magnetic.

Magnetic to what you want, and magnetic to love. Our natural state is actually magnetic receiving.

And there are 2 things that make any, and every woman magnetic​​ -

Being Fully in your Feminine Essence.

Loving and appreciating the shit out of men.

Now while it may seem like achieving number 1 is a challenge I find that it is actually loving and appreciating men that most women struggle with.

Because let's jut face some facts.

You have been hurt, you have been betrayed, your trust has been broken, you have been let down, you have been abandoned and you have been heartbroken all at the hands of men.

And let us not forget the fact that we have been raised in a system that makes it wrong to be a woman.

So yeah you got a lot of shit against men, and rightly so.

But you will never feel as empowered, magnetic and irresistible as you will when you learn to heal your relationship with men.

This is NOT about accept piss poor behavior or having no boundaries.

This is about healing your relationship to your feminine so that you feel safe enough to allow the masculine to show up for you AND learning how to appreciate the masculine for what it can provide you instead of criticizing it because you are afraid you will be hurt again.

And I know the power of being magnetic, loving and appreciating men and feeling so grounded in your Feminine Essence - honestly it is what is helping me to heal from my recent break up which also had betrayal, lies and so much pain involved.

Now I could have gone into an I hate men phase, men are the worst, they can't be trusted and all of that. But I didn't, I haven't and I won't.

In fact I have actually found an even deeper love and appreciation for men in general.

And THAT has made me feel unbreakable.

I want you to have that too because undoubtedly you will be hurt in love, but when you have the tools and have healed so deeply you aren't afraid of the pain AND you end up experiencing such a deeper sense of love. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

SO I have opened up 4 spots for something i have never done before.

Magnetize Any Man

the 6 week private coaching to help you heal your relationship with men, embrace your feminine essence and unleash your magnetism.

During the 6 weeks you will get a

  • ​2 hour deep dive intensive with me.

  • 2 - private coaching calls

  • Unlimited voice and text support.

PLUS I am re-doing my Understanding the Modern Man Course LIVE ($2000 value) over the next month. This will be 4 modules to take you inside the male brain, how to communicate in a feminine way, how to keep the polarity alive, and so much more.

You can just join the Understanding the Modern Man Course by clicking below.

We will start Wednesday and it will run for 4 weeks.

Over the next 6 weeks you can radically change your relationship with men, connect to your power and attract in the love that you desire.

The reality is when a man feels appreciated and loved in his masculine he shows up more for the feminine. This isn't about manipulation, this is about creating a healthy and equal partnership.

You haven't let him show up for you in his masculine because there hasn't been space for him - your masculine has been taking up all the room. ​​​

Grab 1 of the 4 spots below

If you have any questions let me know!