“New universes are created inside black holes, where the known laws of physics do not apply- within lies a magical quantum feminine otherworld, a fairy banquet of cosmic proportions”

-Womb Awakening

Hey Gorgeous!

Thank you so much for landing here. I know that if you are here, if you are reading this you are longing for something more……a deeper connection to your power.

Chances are you have done all of the “right things” you work hard, you seek out information on creating the life that you desire. You listen to podcasts, you watching trainings, you follow content creators on things like manifestation and the feminine.

You DO it all.

And yet, there still feels like something is missing. And let’s be honest you are a little over the idea of ‘healing’ more. I mean you have done the healing……amiright?

You are right, you have done the healing, you have done it all, and something is still missing……not because you haven’t worked hard enough, but because, well you haven’t tapped into the endless power within your Feminine.

I chose the quote at the beginning of this page because to me it encapsulates what we have lost, forgotten, and denied…..that the ability to tap into the Quantum, is actually HELD WITHIN OUR BODIES!

Now this is a relief, but also terrifying. It is a relief because you don’t have to DO something else, add another thing on to your to do list….

But it is terrifying because the thing that we have been taught to fear the most, for over 3500 years…..is OUR BODIES AND OUR FEMININE POWER.

We have been told, taught, conditioned, and even forced to

  • Leave our bodies and live in our heads.

  • Deny the potent power of our sensuality and sexual essence and honor a warped idea of modesty.

  • Disown the Creatrix power that we hold as women and try to prove our worth through DOING.

  • Discredit our intuitive wisdom and psychic gifts in order to “think logically” and “be responsible”.

  • Abandon our innate Feminine magic to not disrupt the patriarchal order, or make others uncomfortable.

  • Put others feelings, comfort and desires before our own and strive to be “good”, cutting us off from our Divine Desires which benefit all of humanity.

  • Seek approval and permission on who we are and what we do, instead of living fully expressed and being the permission for other women to do the same.

The modern woman is hurting, our Feminine essence is aching, and screaming to be seen, nurtured and honored.

But this isn’t just about putting on a flower crown and calling yourself a Goddess, it isn’t about the “light washed Feminine” that is all high vibe, Goddess this or that, and oracle cards.

It is about a RECLAMATION of the Embodied Feminine, including the bloody, messy, shadowy side AND the Divine Feminine including the dark, fiery, and death and rebirth cycles.

The best part is when you awaken your Embodied Feminine you automatically tap into and begin tot create in the Quantum!

Meaning - collapsing time, manifesting quicker, bigger, and more effectively, creating things that “don’t make sense” because the quantum is vast and unlimited.

You no longer need to be bound by what society, others or even your past has said.

Embody Your Quantum Feminine Power.

This experience takes you through a Feminine Initiation to tap into and begin to EMBODY your Feminine Power, drop you into the Quantum, and liberate you from the patriarchal framework that keeps you stuck, small and disconnected.

You will not only receive The Embody Your Quantum Feminine Power but you will also receive lifetime access to the “Swamp Party” replay.

This experience is all about releasing stuck, and stagnant emotions that are keeping you from your power. You can use this experience as many times as you desire, you can even use it regularly to create an emotional clearing routine!

Lifetime access to this replay along with the Swamp Party is only $497.

Are you ready to tap into the power you hold within?

  • by making this purchase you are agreeing to all terms.