Hey Gorgeous!

I know if you landed here, then you are a woman who is READY FOR MORE!

You are successful, driven, powerful. spiritual, and creating a life that is anything but ordinary.

You have done so much work on yourself, you have taken the courses, and in many ways mastered your work and yet…..

You know……deep down, or even right on the surface.

That you are READY FOR MORE!

Not more for the sake of more….this is not an egoic drive, but rather a burning and yearning from your soul.


You want more impact

More income

More freedom

More peace

More Pleasure

More Happiness

And you want it because you know that you are here to lead. You want it from a grounded, authentic, and spacious place.

You have hustled enough for this life and you are ready to create this next chapter from a space of pleasure, turn on, fun, joy!

The truth is you keep hitting a wall in your life and business not because you are not trying hard enough, or you don’t want it enough….

You are coming up against the deepest wounds of the Feminine, the “Witch Wound”. Now you do not have to resonate with the word “witch” for this to be true…..so if you do, or don’t stay with me!

Let’s do a lil history lesson, shall we?!

Back in the 1600-1800’s (and even in some parts of the world today!) “Witches” were hunted down, tortured and killed. I put this in quotes because the majority of thsoe who died during this time were not ‘witches’.

The majority of those who were killed were WOMEN, and they were killed for….

Being their full expression

Owning their sensuality and sexuality

Owning land or having wealth

Being single

Being intuitive

Being a healer or midwife

Not following Christianity

Not obeying the patriarchy.

Now think about it……your ancestors were either killed during this time or witnessed this happening to the women around them.

And from everything that we know about trauma, this is STILL IN YOUR CELLS.

So it makes sense that you have fears around:

Being Visible

Owning your intuitive gifts

Owning your sensuality and sexuality

Owning and using our voice

Being in your full power

Being WELL paid for your soul’s work

Sisterhood ( most of those accused were accused by other women - friends, family, neighbors).

Your next level, your deepened body of work, your full expression is NOT going to come from journaling or meditating!

It is going to come from Reclaiming Your Power Through Pleasure!!

During this self study course we are going to go through the 7 witch wounds/wounds of the Feminine and how they are impacting you right now.

We are going to clear them somatically so that you can:

Own your voice and step into being seen

Make more money doing your soul’s work

Own the fullness of your power

Own your sensuality and live from pleasure

Have deep and profound sisterhood in your life.

I want to get this course in the hands of 1000 women! Sign up and receive the course for FREE!