
Program For the Powerful Woman Who Desires to Step into Your Feminine, Claim Your Sexy and Create A Passionate Partnership.


“The strength of the feminine is seduction”

–Jean Beaudrillard.


The Seductress is desired by men and admired by women.  


She is the most misunderstood archetype. 


We have been taught to fear her, to squash her, and to criticize her.


We have been told that she is responsible for the destruction of men, that she must be shamed, and that she must be kept at bay.


Yet, the truth behind the seductress is that she is the part of the woman that breathes life into life.  She is the expression that breaks the rules and the norms, all while honoring that which is most natural to a woman – your sensuality.


If you are on this page that means you are ready.  Ready to step into the fullest, sexiest, most confident expression of yourself.


You have been desiring to unleash her, to know her, to live her.




You may be hesitant, scared or even second guessing this desire.


I get it, but let’s look at what happens when you cage her.


You know you have squashed your seductress when:


  • You feel constantly drained and disconnected from yourself and others.

  • You keep defaulting to your head and to trying to push through.

  • You constantly criticize your body. It is never want you want it to look like.

  • You overthink everything with men. You have no idea how to get what you want without manipulation or criticism.

  • You deeply crave a new paradigm for life and ultimately for love.

  • You feel despite all of your success and accomplishment in life you still feel like it’s not enough.

  • You aren’t living the life that you imagined (no matter what it looks like on the outside). You feel stifled.

  • You can’t remember the last time (if ever) you have had ravishing sex.



Ultimately you want a deep passionate, intimate partnership but you also know that the way to that is through unleashing your seductress.  The way to the love and life that you desire is through her.

Through your feminine.

Through the fullest expression of yourself.  The only way to be the fullest expression is through owning your sexuality.


On this 6 month journey you will meet, unleash and live from your seductress.


This program is like none you have ever experienced before.  It is where learning meets sisterhood.  It is where you release the fears and blocks, build the new framework and create the life that you have been deeply desiring.


I will be your provocateur.


And while on the outside it may look like I have always lived from my seductress  – that could not be farther from the truth.


I grew up like most young girls in a culture and a society that puts the feminine down.  Add on Catholic school for 10 years and you have the perfect bedrock of shame, guilt and self criticism.


I was convinced from an early age that I was not enough, not pretty enough, not a good enough friend, yet at the same time I was too much.  This paradox is one that most women live under. 



I spent my life trying to fit into some imaginary box, some contrived definition of what it meant to be a woman.  More importantly what society thought a woman should be, and ultimately what I thought would make me more attractive and lovable to a man.


Yet no matter what I did, how much I criticized my body, or how hard I pushed I never felt enough.  I never felt like I had what I wanted.


When my dad died not only was I lost in a sea of grief that I had no idea how to navigate,  his death was a wake up call.  I wanted to LIVE my life to the fullest.


I have spent the past 7 years deeply immersed in the arts of the feminine.  At first I thought the feminine would help me navigate my emotions more, and let me feel more pleasure in my day to day.  Honestly I was hoping the feminine and connection to pleasure would be an all access pass to eat chocolate cake every day.


But what I found was the more that leaned into my sexuality, the more that I allowed my sensuality to lead the way the more fun life became.


The more that I got to know my seductress the more liberated I felt, and the more men were vying for my affection.


The is a reason why the most influential and powerful women in history were also the women who were the most sexually empowered.


Our true power as women comes from owning our sexual power.


We have been taught that power and a woman’s sexuality are at war with each other, but in fact is ONLY when you are sexually empowered that you are truly empowered.


I have taken everything that I have learned it into this program to give you the keys to our worthiness, the keys to your power and the keys to your seductress.

This program is the modern woman’s guide to living and emboding anciet feminine arts.


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What you get:

What's included.jpg
  • 4 months of a deep and sacred container to lean, play and transform into the fullest expression of yourself.

  • 8 in depth virtual modules to help you release old fears and step into your new paradigm.

  • 8 LIVE Q&A group calls to get real time coaching. These will take place every other Tuesday at 5pm EST. All of the calls are recorded and you receive lifetime access to them.

  • 4 months of embodiment practices, tools, meditations, and other techniques to take things from the conceptual to embodiment. These practices include cutting edge neuroscience mixed with ancient practices to curated a modern take on how to shift your mindset, energy and create a new sense of BEING.

  • A Virtual 1 Day Retreat Mid May Date TBD.

  • A high vibration sisterhood. The feminine flourishes from being witnessed and supported by other women.

  • An online private community to receive continual support.


Pay in Full


BONUS: receive a second spot for a woman in your life.

Payment PLan

6 monthly payments of $575

BONUS: When you pay in full before March 15th you will receive:

1- 90 minute intensive (to use during the program - $1500 value)

1 - 45 minute private call (to use during the program - $500 value)



When you complete this journey of the Seductress you will embody your feminine on a level that you have never felt.

Your feminine will be your new set point.  This will allow you to feel more in flow, in your body and able to handle what life throws your way.

Embodying your seductress is the gateway to being the fullest expression of yourself.  When you step into this part of yourself you are claiming your worthiness in a way that you never have. You will see your entire life expand.  You will feel more worthy of making more money, more able to receive from men and you will feel happier and able to go with the flow of life.


Content includes:


  • Crystal clarity on desires and how to express them in a way that doesn't make you feel needy or desperate.

  • Moving past childhood imprinting and conditioning to break patterns in relationships and come into a space of sexually thriving.

  • Learning how to flirt and seduce in a way that feels natural to you so that you can unlock your feminine provocative power.

  • Navigating your emotions in a way that allows you to alchemize them into creative fuel and life energy.

  • Awaken your orgasmic pleasure by learning embodiment practices to enhance your ability to give and receive pleasure.

  • Healing sexual conditioning and trauma so that you can thrive in your sexuality, feel vibrant and alive.

  • Introduction to the jade egg .

  • Mastering feminine communication so that you can inspire a man up and into a conscious relationship.

  • Magnetic mindset so that you become the creator of your life instead of just reacting to what happens.

  • Deeper and more profound connection to your body so that you feel sexy and confident no matter what your size or shape.

  • How to get your desires met by any man in a way that actually leaves him wanting to serve you more.

  • Uncover unconscious blocks and triggers and release them gentle forever.

  • And more.



Seductress Secrets Bundle ($500 value)

Sexy in and out bundle ($500 value)

Embrace Your Inner Goddess Bundle ($997 value)

Pay in Full


BONUS: receive a second spot for a woman in your life.

Payment Plan

6 payments of $575

BONUS: When you pay in full before March 15th you will receive:

1- 90 minute intensive (to use during the program - $1500 value)

1 - 45 minute private call (to use during the program - $500 value)


When does the program Begin?

This program is rolling admission. Once you enroll you will have access to Module 1, and your modules will be released every other week.

You will have lifetime access to the content and the recordings of the calls for the 6 months that you are enrolled in the program. After you complete your 6 months you will be taken out of the Facebook Group but will maintain access to the program.

Is this for single women or women in relationships?

This is for both single women and women in relationships.  While part of the focus of the program is mastering your connecting to men, it is mainly about stepping into the most powerful part and version of yourself.

What if I can't make all of the Q&A calls?

All of the Q&A calls will be recorded.  You will have lifetime access to ALL of the content from this program while you are enrolled.

What if I am not sure sure that I can make the time commitment? 

All of the content and exercises are meant to be easily integrated into your life.  This is about your stepping into and embodying your Seductress, this is not about overloading you with work.  You will create new habits, which will create new behavior and ultimately allow you to step into your most vibrant being.

What if I am not sure about the financial commitment?

It can be scary to stretch yourself when you invest. What I have seen is when a woman invests in herself, especially to work on her sexuality and femininity she feels more worthy and ultimately ends up attracting and making more money.

What if I am on the fence?

If you are considering the Seductress, let's chat.  This group is going to be very small, elite and intimate.  So the best way to get clear on if it is for you or not is to hop on the phone with me.



BONUS: receive a second spot for a woman in your life. Early Bird Pay in Full

Early Bird 6 Month Payment Plan: $888





VIP Upgrade!

As part of this program you do not have private access to me, however I know that having private coaching along with a program like this can be so helpful in personalizing the content and giving you support and keeping you accountable.

If you are interested in receiving private coaching you can purchase the VIP Upgrade.

This includes:

  • 90 minute intensive

  • 2 - 45 minute private coaching calls

  • unlimited voice and text support for the length of Seductress

You can purchase the upgrade for

$3000 or 6 monthly payments of $550.