Hello Gorgeous!
What if I told you that the key to your confidence was your connection to your SEXINESS?!
Now before you x out of this, just hear me out.
Sexiness is your key to confidence, but not in the way that you think.
It doesn’t require red lipstick, lace, the perfect body, the perfect skin, or anything else that you may assume is required for you to feel sexy.
Chances are you don’t even realize that your disconnection from your sexiness is leading to….
Feeling disconnected from your partner
Lackluster (if any) sex
Feeling burnt out, depleted regularly
Lacking confidence
Not setting healthy boundaries
Settling for less than you desire
Not even knowing your desires
Feel uncomfortable in your skin
Being in a constant state of disapproval and self judgement
That dried up, stagnant feeling that has creeped into every area of your life and body.
You see most women have a really messy relationship with their Sexiness.
We are taught to WANT it, but not FLAUNT it.
To aspire to BE it (only when we reach a level of perfection) and then HATE it.
We are told men WANT it, but will also HURT us because of it.
And one of the biggest emotions women express around their bodies and thusly their sexiness is SHAME.
Shame is what keeps you in bondage of hatred and criticism, it is what keeps you constantly striving but never arriving.
Shame has the LOWEST energetic vibration for any emotion. Think about i! Shame is defined as “ a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety” OR “ a condition of humiliating disgrace or disrepute”.
I once heard guilt is about something you have done, while shame is about who you are.
Think about it…..feeling humiliation, disgrace just for a natural aspect of who you are?! Yeah that is going to KILL your confidence, stifle your self expression, and keep you in the little miss perfect box of death.
When you break through the shame and allow yourself to BE SEXY, you break free of a lot of mental and emotional drama.
Sexiness is not a thing that you are meant to use as a form of transaction - if I am sexy then he will want me, I will secure love.
No, no, no - Sexiness is a WAY OF BEING. It is YOU being connected to the pleasure AND divinity inside of yourself.
It is owning your natural beauty and knowing that your SEXINESS is FOR you and YOU ALONE. That it is about the feeling of aliveness, joy, confidence, and pleasure that you get to choose at any and every moment.
But yet most women are bogged down by shame. I feel like we all have that lady from Game of Thrones following us around with a giant bell and screaming SHAME behind us - except it is the subconscious beliefs, and stories in our head doing that to us.
You may look at my photo and think - oh it is so easy for Lauren to talk about being Sexy - look at her!
But it has taken me years to get to a point where I felt comfortable doing this work publicly, to own my sexiness to this level.
I was raised Catholic, and through 10 years of indoctrination also called Catholic School I deeply internalized the ideal that a woman was “good” if and only if she was “moral” aka “virginal”.
I constantly was striving to be perfect, to be a good girl/woman. I was deeply afraid of my sexuality, os sex, and of my sexiness. I didn’t want to be “THAT” girl - you know a “slut”.
I wanted to be respected for my intelligence, my independence, my goodness. And no where did sexiness fit in there. But yet I would constantly consume every article in popular magazines with any totle about making myself more desirable to men.
Then at the ripe old age of 25 I found myself drawn to information about this thing called “Feminine Power” which if I am being honest I was drawn to and terrified of at the same time. Was this the manipulation of men through my body that I had never wanted to become?
To my surprise (and delight) Feminine Power was actually about healing, embracing and celebrating the parts of being a woman that I was told were wrong, bad, dirty and shameful.
And recently I decided to really stretch my edges with new photos for my business, and as I prepared for the shoot ALL of my own deep, dark shame around my body and my sexiness surfaced. And I realized how deep this Patriarchal conditioning around what it means to be a woman runs.
While I was at the shoot I got the idea to craft this program to help other women move past the Madonna/Whore paradigm which dictates that we are women are EITHER good or sexy, smart OR powerful, respected OR sensually alive.
It is time, my love. Time to embrace your SEXINESS.
Come join me and the other revolutionary women who are saying that Your Sexiness is for YOU and You and alone.
8 weeks of the sacred Shamelessly Sexy Container (beginning September 8th)
4 Content Modules
Module 1 - Releasing the Madonna/Whore Paradigm and all the other BS that keeps you shut down in your body . Rewrite what it means for you to be sexy in your life so that you can be the fullest expression of yourself.
Module 2 The Foundation of the Feminine Part 1 - begin to heal your relationship to your feminine through liberating the emotions and energy in your body so that you can embody your sexiness on a deeper level.
Module 3 - The Foundation of the Feminine Part 2- Here we get to the root of your Feminine Power through awakening your sensuality and pleasure.
Module 4 - awaken Your Sexiness through embracing your sexual power as your personal power.
Shamelessly Sexy Embodiment practices
Guided inner work
Meditations and subconscious reprogramming.
4 Live Q&A calls
Private Online Community for consistent support, and connection.
Module - become Shamelessly Orgasmic. All the best tips on expanding, deepening, and intensifying your orgasm. Plus how to live orgasmicly ;)
Module - Love and Appreciate men and the masculine and Become The Sex Goddess.
Uncork Your Natural Sexiness 5 Day course ($497 value)
2 months of The Red Temple Collective Membership Site. ($222 value)
Early bird pricing Ends August 26th:
1 payment of $1200 Includes a Bonus Private Coaching Call ($500 value)
3 monthly payments of $500
VIP upgrade:
90 minute Private Intensive
Early bird pricing includes the SURPRISE Bonus Gift! This pricing ends August 26th.