Module 1
Journal Prompts:
What did your mom teach you about Flirting/Pleasure/Sensuality/Sexuality? Good bad or ugly
What did your dad teach you about Flirting/Pleasure/Sensuality/Sexuality? Good bad or ugly
What did your community/church/culture teach you about Flirting/Pleasure/Sensuality/Sexuality? Good bad or ugly
What stories are you currently telling yourself about flirting? How have you defined it in the past?
How do you want to define it?
When you think of yourself as a FLIRT what do you see? What emotions come up?
Journal Prompts:
What comes up for you with the idea of DEVOTION?
What did you learn about flirting and spirituality?
What would PLEASURE as a DEVOTION look like for you?
If your pleasure and sensuality was fully integrated with your spirituality what would that look like?
Module 3
Journal Prompt:
What are you afraid will happen if you allow yourself to flirt? What are you afraid people will think? What are you afraid that will mean about you?
What would change if you knew it was SAFE to be sexy and to flirt in the world?
If you knew it was safe for you to be your fullest expression what would you finally allow yourself to do? be? have?
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