:: The pre-scripted texts that you just opted in for to "get a man hooked" don't work and here's why..... ::
Oh yes there are plenty a coach out there so ready to give you the list of texts that will.....
Drive him man
Make him addicted
Make him commit
Make him want you
Blah blah blah.
I cal B.S.
This type of stuff isn't for the empowered woman, oh no it is for the woman who doesn't trust herself, doesn't know herself and feels completely disempowered in dating and relationships.
The entire idea of "getting a man" or "making a man" do anything comes from a place of assuming that men have the power.
Well they don't you do.
You are not being chosen by a man - you are choosing.
Now don't get me wrong I used to study things like those pre-designed texts as well and think it was the answer to everything.
But this was before I actually learned how to be in my feminine power.
Men don't want a pre-scripted text from you - they want YOU to be completely and totally authentic.
They want you to be yourself and for that to come through in your communication.
And believe it or not - men want you IN your power.
Putting all of the power and focus on a man and his needs is what has led you to the failed relationships up until this point.
It is what has kept you feeling alone, isolated, shut down and utterly dissatisfied.
You don't need anyone telling you what to text a guy.....
What you need is to remember that you are the prize and you are the one with the power.
But in order to do that you must tap into your unique feminine power.
You must heal your past wording around men and relationships.
You must realize your own brilliance.
You must heal, embrace and celebrate your sensuality and sexuality
And you must learn how to communicate in an authentic and productive way - that allows you to get your needs met without feeling needy or desperate.
You do not need someone to tell you what to say to a guy.
If you are ready to tap into your unique power as a woman I invite you to join Seductress.
My high level program for the woman who is ready to embody her feminine, feel confidently sexy and create a passionate partnership.